Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Drag Race - Test of Speed

This challenge is to construct a robot that will be the fastest in a 3 meter race. Technically this challenge is a matter of designing a good set of gears. In fact, I saw many groups use the biggest gear on the motor and the smallest one on the wheel. However, very competitive, our group tried to use the combination of 4 gears (2 of the biggest ones and 2 of the smallest ones) Impressively, in the air the wheels rotated crazily. It was like a fan to cool people down. Unfortunately, however, when the robot was on the surface, it didn't even go. Therefore, we modified. This time, we used 2 of the medium size gears and 2 of the smallest ones. However, again, the robot didn't go. Thus, we just used the biggest gear and the smallest one only. I hope it will make a good start. A good start is the only way to be the first, because most robots' speed is the same as mine.

Am I depending on the luck too much ? :)