Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Chapter 1 Understanding LEGO® Geometry

In order to enjoy every aspect of LEGO robotics, it's very important to understand basic geometric properties of the LEGO bricks and beams. Measurement of LEGO bricks are based on the metric system. However, although they are based this system, it's important to keep in mind that a brick's height and length don't have equal values but a constant ratio. One of the most important bricks in LEGO is a TECHNIC brick, or a beam. This brick has some holes inside a beam which enable other beams to be connected to each other via pegs. Therefore, it's very significant to utilize it well, because we can construct a light and strong robot. To fit a diagonal beam, we need to use Pythagorean theorem. This theorem is that in a right triangle, square of hypotenuse have to be equal to sum of length squared and base squared. When we apply the theorem into our fitting a diagonal beam, number of holes inside a beam represents square root of any sides. For instance, if a beam of base has 3 holes and a beam of height has 4 holes, we can use a beam that has 5 holes as a diagonal beam, because 3 square (9) + 4 square (16) is equal to 5 square (25)

Additional information about Liftarms
Liftarms are beams that come in many shapes and sizes to connect parts at dffering angles. These are helpful when we need to construct the robot's grabbers, fingers, ball casters and etc.


  1. Great summary of chapter 1. I'd like to hear what you have to say about the use of liftarms as well.

  2. Pretty cool stuff we got here! I like your blog entries, very professional both in the content and writing... strongly suggest that change your theme though! It's too hard to read stuff in white with black background... Am I the only one who feels like this?
